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Tips to a brighter Smile

The internet is stuffed full of different remedies that can instantly whiten teeth, and while most of these may be fallicies, there are options that can greatly whiten an otherwise dull smile. As teeth whitening tips explains in their free guide to whitening teeth at home, many of the “at-home” varieties take time to notice the effects. Everyone is looking for the cost effective, instant results to a bright smile, but the two are not simply compatible. A quick option to a brighter smile is to consult a dentist, who can bleach the teeth and after a few hours, a bright smile emerges. This comes at a cost however, considering it is a cosmetic operation, most insurance companies will not cover teeth whitening. An alternative is to be patient, follow a few simple tips, and pocket the extra money for a vacation.

Daily Hygiene

This may seem a no-brainer, but is often overlooked. Brushing your teeth twice a day is simply not enough to brighten a smile. This is a good practice to keep the teeth healthy and from detiorating worse, but unfortunately will not brighten them. Be sure to floss twice a day as well, which is everyone’s favorite thing to do. Be sure to use mouthwash or brushing after every meal. It does not take long for plaque to build, even after one meal. The longer the plaque rests on and in between the teeth, the more difficult the stains are to remove.

Avoid Smoking

Nicotine is an addictive substance found in cigarettes and cigars. The natural components of tobacco hold large amounts of nicotine. This can cause the teeth to turn a brownish-yellow, even after a few days of regular smoking. Breaking the habit can be extremely tough, but the absence of nicotine will substantially whiten teeth by itself. The process of returning the teeth to a full white after smoking does take a few weeks. Do not expect a brighter smile after a few days of not smoking, as there is still trace amounts of nicotine in the system.

Avoid Coffee

Coffee is another major contributor to teeth stains. The natural acidic properties eat away at the hardened enamel, making it more susceptible to stains. For many a cup of coffee in the morning is a necessity to get the day started. While one cup will not erode the enamel away, having a few large coffees all day without a proper brushing will build up quickly. It is recommended that after a cup of coffee, brush one’s teeth or use a mouthwash to rinse away any lingering liquids.

There are many other tips located at  Some are simple to attribute to daily life while others may seem more monotonous. It takes hard work to acquire and keep a bright clean smile.

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